Facing death hundreds of times

Growing up on a small farm in the UP of Michigan I enjoyed endless fun things like colds, sore throats, holes in teeth, and emotional confusion. Through early adulthood up to age 40 I faced the possibility of instant death hundreds of times. 

You don't need a medical degree to understand that when your heart skips beats over and over it could stop beating any minute. If the pump stops, game over.  

At first in my twenties, it was beating too fast (tachycardia) while skipping beats.  I didn't understand it at the time, but I was in the early stages of stress when adrenal glands are still strong and you're dealing with deficiencies of protein, C complex, Bs, magnesium and potassium, along with stress and digestion issues.

By age 40 my heartbeat had changed from too fast to too slow, still skipping beats. This was more scary. i was now dealing with low blood pressure, blackouts when standing (postural hypotension), adrenal exhaustion, digestive pains, and the possibility of dying as my kidneys were now also dumping sodium. I didn't know it but I was in the worst possible pH profile (testing with litmus paper), saliva too acid and urine too alkaline. I saw many doctors who dismissed my problems as "all in your head" or suggested things like vitamin E and thyroid medicine which I tried, but none of it worked.

It was in 1978 at age 40 that God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit mercifully came into my life to heal and save me. That led me into a serious study of Nutrition-for-life and its power to save and heal body, mind, and spirit. For more details see "revelations" and other pages of this website. 

 Perfect Health Foundation 

In 1990 with the help of a small group of independent thinking Christians I founded The Perfect Health Foundation to teach and support personal and common wholeness following the example and teachings of Christ. Early on we were fortunate to get the support of Robert J. Peshek D.D.S., author of books for doctors on balancing body chemistry with nutrition. 

Our message is simple: respect God's ways of fertilizing soil and growing food; respect the sanctity of the mother-infant relationship as God made it; respect God's ways of healing when things go wrong; take Jesus at His word.

UNSOLICITED LETTER RECEIVED JULY 1995 (reprinted with permission) 

Nutrition Healing Center Donna Pessin CNC
Boulder Colorado

Dear Jim LeBeau... 

I have been a member of your Foundation for several years and I have long been meaning to write and express my gratitude and admiration of the work that you are doing. I have been doing Saliva and Urine pH testing with my clients (as a nutritional consultant) for more than 4 years. I have seen remarkable results. Indeed, I RELY HEAVILY on the pH test (and all of the knowledge that I have gained through your work and mine) to assess my clients' condition, formulate a successful nutrition program, and monitor his/her progress. I find the pH testing especially invaluable in helping to determine WHICH supplements a client may need, HOW MUCH of that supplement is needed, and for HOW LONG it is needed. I also teach my clients how to test and check their own pH's and most of them very much enjoy this easy "eye opening" method of assessing their health condition. 

Personally, I use the pH test and YOUR WORK many years ago to help me overcome a long-standing autoimmune disease. Through the testing I discovered that I was taking too many vitamins, and I learned which ones in particular would be helpful. Last year I have birth to a boy who is THRIVING on my breast milk, and I know that my pH work is to thank for that. 

And so, again, I write to thank YOU for your beautiful work and commitment to let you know that it has made a wonderful difference in many lives!  

Sincerely, Donna Pessin